Nostradamus Predictions for Australia: Myth vs. Reality

Nostradamus was an astrologer and physician of the 16th century whose prediction method has been considered to be surprisingly accurate in portraying major global phenomena. Les Prophétés, published in 1555, is similarly filled with hundreds of narrowly four-lined poems, known as quatrains, dedicated to prophecy. Whilst popularly associated with major global occurrences including Napoleon Bonaparte, the two World Wars, and 9/11 the link between him and Australia has only been conjectured, mooted, and debated.

As for Australia, which, in Nostradamus’ time, was an unknown country to Europeans, it was not mentioned in the latter’s writing. However, modern historians tried to find some connections between several of his rather vague prophecies and the destiny of Australia and people’s interest in him and his predictions rose during the political, environmental, and other crises.

1. The Concept of the “New World”

Each of the quatrains has one or several references to a “new world” or “southern lands.” Although some commentators consider this may be named after Australia which was founded by Europeans in the late eighteenth century.

In Century X, Quatrain 66, Nostradamus writes: Chief of London by the Americans reign

Scotland’s Isle will be challenged by frost,

King and Reb will be welcomed by an Australian reign.

Refers to the western lands seize treacherous intention.

Certain critics claimed that the meaning of the phrase ‘Australian reign’ could point out that Australia could play an important part in future events on the world scene especially because the country is located in the Asia-Pacific area. However, such claims are mere assumptions, and most researchers assert that the term ‘Australian reign’ cannot be conclusively linked to contemporary Australia.

2. Environmental Catastrophes and Climate Change

People have attributed many of the prophecies of Nostradamus to the bushfires that have ravaged Australia, particularly the recent Black Summer of 2019-2020. It is for the same reason that the Frenchman predicted fires and severe weather conditions that could be associated with the Australian plight in the country.

In one particular quatrain, he wrote: Currently there will be a combustion of the heavens when the numbers go up to five and forty degrees.

The fire will come to the great new city.

(Century V, Quatrain 47)

While such explanations can be linked to events like the Great Fire of London, or the wildfires in the US, others have noted it about the rising temperatures in Australia and the crescendo of fires. The term ‘five and forty degrees’ has been associated with the location of Australia which is approximately 40 to 45 degrees southern latitude. Furthermore, climatic conditions such as dry seasons and the tendency to bushfires are natural calamities in Australia similar to Nostradamus’s prophecies regarding “burning heavens”.

3. The Rise of Asia and Australia’s Future

Another of the favorites is the set of quatrains that point to the emergence of the Eastern forces and some wars of the Western states. Due to its geographic position and an increasing role in the Asia-Pacific region’s global conflicts, some analysts think that according to the Nostradamus Australia becomes a place of power confrontation between the West and the new Asian giants like China.

For instance, Nostradamus wrote: The great war rises out of the East.

This yellow race shall rule this land.

Ships shall be collected from the side of the western shore.

And in the seas, the great battle shall take place.”

(Century VI, Quatrain 80)

Although Nostradamus failed to mention Australia, most of his interpreters believe that what he meant by “the east” and “the great war” could be associated with future instability in the Asia-Pacific area where Australia can also have a considerable impact because of its partnerships and localization of trade, sales, and security activities.

4. Social and Political Unrest

It has been observed that among the principal areas that Nostradamus concerns himself with are social decay, economic strife, and political turmoil. Over the past years, some have tried to relate his ideas to the internal conflict in Australia like immigration, Indigenous people issues, and controversies in the governing body. Nostradamus did not describe exactly what is happening in Australia today but the modern-day critics can simply find connections of what is happening in the world from what Nostradamus said.

One quatrain frequently mentioned is: The great city in the great commotion shall be,

Categorized into the haves and the have-nots.

Each of them shall lay down leadership and every man shall arise.

That is a shift of power that was not witnessed in the previous years.”

Some regard this as a signal of future social conflict or a political change, which could apply to any number of nations, including Australia. One must understand that most of the quatrains were written by Nostradamus as general predictions and as it will be seen later many authors try to find in these quatrains references that only after the event has occurred could be deemed as fitting the description.

5. Australia and the End of the World?

Last but not least, as a seer Nostradamus is best known for his scenarios which depict the end of the world as such. Certain contemporary theorists, especially when there is a global concern or environmental calamity, provide for the end destinations that Australia is either isolated or is placed at the core of these scenarios.

A particularly chilling quatrain reads: ‘The earth will shake, the sea will become the haunt’

Out of the ashes, a new world order shall rise new world order after the embers have cooled.

The Southern land is the last of all lands that will be conquered.

A stranded island that is virtually creeping on the edge of failure.

(Century X, Quatrain 72)

Although this passage does not directly point to Australia, the idea of ‘Southern land’ and ‘lonely island’ has been interpreted by some to mean that Australia may participate in other future disasters environmental, military, or societal.

Conclusion: A World of Interpretation

The following quatrains of Nostradamus penned more than 450 years ago, still hold public attention. Nevertheless, most of it is subject to interpretation if it applies to Australia at all. Because Tyndale’s quatrains are read metaphorically, they contain throngs of interpretations that depend on contemporary fear, hope, or crisis. Even Australia which is greatly distant from Nostradamus’ Europe has not been away from this trend.

Though to be precise, Nostradamus did not write anything about Australia and the potential predictions about its future, modern readers just as creatively rewrote the message of the famous seer which unboundedly flooded the ruin of the ancient nation. It is fascinating to try and draw a link between Andrew on the French seer and the future of Australia in the global events but most of the thoughts are still grounded in people’s propensity to look for a pattern in the randomness of history.

Lastly, no matter if the destiny of Australia was written in the stars, or not – that is still open for discussion, what is clear with the help of the material based on the analysis of the work of Nostradamus, one can guess the future properly, though his prophecies are often questionable.

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