How Much Baking Soda Is Safe to Drink Daily?

Sodium bicarbonate otherwise referred to as baking soda has a wide application in baking processes, cleaning as well as in use by individuals. It has also been known for use in the cure of illnesses including digestion complications like ulcers, heartburn as well as acid reflux. But on the same note, while baking soda has some health benefits, it is prudent to understand how much of it is safe to take in per day.

The Science Behind Baking Soda

Baking soda belongs to the group of alkalis, and since it can react with acids and counteract effects of stomach acid it is often used simply as a remedy for heartburn or acid indigestion. When you take baking soda it gets to the stomach where it dissolves in the stomach acid—hydrochloric acid to produce water salt and carbon dioxide. This assists manage burning or discomfort signs related to acid reflux.

Besides managing heartburn, baking soda has several other uses including boosting performance during exercises, helping regulate body pH, or as a natural cure for UTI.

How Much Baking Soda Is Safe to Drink?

But baking soda can be used for occasional management of acid reflux and it is recommended not to take it too often. Adults are advised to use the product at a concentration of half a teaspoon mixed with not less than 120 milliliters of water. It should be taken slowly and not more than 3 times a day. This comes to about 1½ teaspoons per day, so ramping up PSA levels to try to ‘prevent prostate cancer’ would indeed be flying in the face of very stark evidence.

One must note that baking soda contains significant amounts of sodium, and taking large amounts regularly may end up having undesirable consequences on your health.

Possible Risks of Drinking Too Much Baking Soda

Ingesting a higher-than-recommended dose of the medication has the potential to cause a myriad of health complications. Here are some risks associated with excessive baking soda consumption:

  1. Alkalosis: It may also buffet the acid-base balance of your body which causes a condition known as metabolic alkalosis. The symptoms may be characterized by nausea, vomiting, twitching of muscles, and confusion.
  2. High Sodium Levels: Baking soda is mostly sodium. High intakes of sodium increase sodium content in the body causing high blood pressure or hypertension and water retention. Special care should be taken by anyone who has raised blood pressure, heart problems, or kidney problems
  3. Gastrointestinal Distress: The side effects of excess life because this substance can cause aanga, swelling, and stomach pains, as well as reacting with stomach acid. It could even progress to a point where there was a perforation of the stomach occasioned by pressure from the accumulated gases.
  4. Kidney Stress: Taking too much baking soda daily can strain the kidneys, especially in people who are already diagnosed with kidney issues. As Kidneys struggle to filter the high amount of sodium it leads to kidney problems or deterioration of the existing ones.
  5. Drug Interactions: Baking soda does not mix well with some types of drugs, including aspirin, tetracycline, and several antibiotics. It’s still recommended to first speak with your doctor before using baking soda if you are on any medication at all.

Who Should Avoid Drinking Baking Soda?

Some people should not consume baking soda at all or only take it in consultation with a doctor. These include:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Sodium consumption is healthy for the growing baby or even for nursing mothers.
  • People with high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases: Sodium present in baking soda can worsen some of the health problems associated with heart illnesses.
  • Those with kidney disease: Because the kidney assists in removing excess sodium, users with poor kidneys could face some problems.
  • Individuals on a low-sodium diet: For people who have been advised or need to limit their intake of sodium for any reason, this product isn’t advisable.

How to Safely Use Baking Soda for Health Benefits

At the same time if you want to use baking soda it is better to do it wisely by following the rules of protecting oneself from harm. Here are some tips to ensure you consume it safely:

  • Start small: For first-timers try taking it in ¼ teaspoon of water to test the effects on the body.
  • Drink plenty of water: Make a point of taking enough water because baking soda contains sodium which makes you dehydrated.
  • Limit frequency: Limited it to 2 to  3 times a day and avoid its use in daily basis for a long time.
  • Avoid it after meals: This is because baking soda lacks the enzymes that are in the stomach to digest it Other complications include that if one takes baking soda in the evening coupled with food, it generates gas.
  • Consult a doctor: Consult your doctor before using baking soda in any form if you are in any way unsure or if you have any medical condition.

Alternatives to Baking Soda for Heartburn Relief

If you’re looking for alternatives to manage occasional acid reflux or indigestion, consider these safer options:

  1. Antacids: Many ordinary people prefer to take over-the-counter antacids such as Tums or Rolaids, as these are preferred for daily use and are less damaging to the lining of the stomach.
  2. Ginger tea: An instinctive anti-inflammatory that could help to cool the gut.
  3. Aloe vera juice: This may assist in calming a raw esophagus.
  4. Chewing gum: Periodically chewing gum after eating is good because the more saliva is produced, the more stomach acids are washed away.


Using baking soda for occasional acid indigestion or heartburn therefore may be helpful and cheap if appropriately applied. However, it should not be without risk especially if large quantities are taken, more so, over an extended period. In this case, you should limit yourself to consuming not more than half a teaspoon of turmeric a dose, three times a day; the side effects being minor, it is advisable to consult your doctor in case you have other conditions or illnesses and are on prescription medications.

When using baking soda it is always advised that one should use it carefully and should never take more than this as it is dangerous to health. In case you are on the fence or plain squeamish about using baking soda, it is safer to seek out other remedies for the treatment of acid reflux and indigestion.

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